Sinclair Fire - to protect you
Why we are passionate about fire protection
Sinclair Fire was born from the personal experience of owner, Trevor Sinclair. Trevor was a volunteer firie up in a tiny remote town called Timber Creek in the Northern Territory. Trevor’s sense of community saw him volunteer with the local fire authority. His team was an all-female team that would protect the local district from destructive bushfires.
Trevor is passionate about educating people with planning and preparing their property both residential and commercial against a fire attack. Did you know that in Australia alone 300+ people die every year from house fires? It's a shocking statistic that Trevor and his team want to see decline.
The only way it will decline is through proper fire safety education. For over 15 years Trevor has been installing, maintaining and advocating the use of fire sprinkler systems
Installation of Fire Sprinkler Systems
Sprinkler systems can automatically detect a fire, transmit an alarm and control a fire. This can be the difference between life or death or a minor accident or a major accident. They are no longer a nice to have but a must to have in all buildings.
Contact Trevor Directly Today to find out more fire sprinkler systems and also more about how he and his team can better help you with your fire safety.